AEMSA welcomes new SME Shaun Casey

AEMSA Welcomes New Flavoring/E-liquid Components Subject Matter Expert Shaun Casey

aemsaadmin Announcements

AEMSA is proud to announce that Shaun Casey an international leader in the vape industry and advocacy has joined our team as our new AEMSA subject matter expert ( SME) for flavouring and e-liquid components.

With 30 years experience manufacturing chemical products Shaun is currently the President and partner in Flavour Art North America Inc. the largest global manufacturer of flavouring for e-liquid. Most know Flavour Art for their significant investment into vapour aerosol toxicology research under their Clear Stream protocol.( As the first company in 2009 to invest in research on vaping aerosols working with Dr. Farsalinos and Dr Poloso and identify diketones as an avoidable risk and remove them from there vaping products in 2010, Flavour Art has led the way globally as a responsible manufacturing partner to over 600 US e-liquid manufacturers and over 4000 globally 100% focused on just the vaping industry. They now own an ISO manufacturing facility in Canada

Shaun created and founded the CVA, Canadian Vaping Association Canada’s only national advocacy organization and currently sits as its board chairman and president. He has a strong experience working with federal governments and has a strong FDA legal team in Washington representing his firm and their customer’s interests working with the CTP for TPMF’s.